Book Alchemy
The Secret Library Podcast
Amy Cooper-Wright | The Fancy Notebook Challenge

Amy Cooper-Wright | The Fancy Notebook Challenge

This summer, I started challenging writers to get out the fancy notebook they've been saving and start writing in it. We called it #fancynotebookchallenge, and it felt like a fun and silly way to make writing a special occasion. But as I dug further, as has been the case with many topics this season, there was a lot more to it.

Mark + Fold has long been one of my favorite stationers, and their diary is how I plan my week, every week. When I found out Amy would be celebrating 5 years of Mark + Fold this week, I knew we had to get into the deeper levels of the tools we use to write. From the sustainability of the product to the value we place on ourselves and our writing, taking your tools seriously is a profound act of nourishment for your writing. Let's get into every writer's favorite topic: stationery! Enjoy- this was a blast to record and create for you.

Mark + Fold website

Book Alchemy
The Secret Library Podcast
Most people believe that books are created in cabins all alone, where authors pound away on some manner of keyboard. Then they hand this masterpiece off to a publisher and it feels very much like it goes down a tube and comes out the other side as a book. By speaking to authors and other book lovers, I'm diving into the mystery that is the book world today.