The end of the year is, as they say in Germany, at the door. It’s not yet in the house, but it’s reaching out to ring the bell.
At this point, I find myself scanning my shelves for books I wanted to read this year. There’s still time! It has the breathless joy of riding a sled downhill, snow blowing in my face, to grab a book and sneak it in before midnight on New Year’s Eve.
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...Bird by bird!
I'm several months behind on the two year long DickensAlong that Katie Lumsden (of Books and Things on YouTube) has been running, so I am doing a Dickens Dash, finishing off Our Mutual Friend and The Mystery of Edwin Drood before the end of the year, so that I can start Simon Haisell's Wolf Crawl (and the slow read of War and Peace - thanks ADHD) on January 1st. I'm fine. This is fine.