Sometimes the siren call of ambition is just too seductive to resist. When Theresa Reed's publisher pitched TWO books for her to write last year, she thought "Sure- I can do that." What followed was a year of early mornings, a schedule that eliminated her social life AND a near meltdown when a draft got eaten by the cruel technology gods. Learn how Theresa calibrated her schedule to get all the work done on deadline and use her tips to get your writing done in a much less stressful manner.
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#137: The Curse of Ambition (+Tarot!) …
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Sometimes the siren call of ambition is just too seductive to resist. When Theresa Reed's publisher pitched TWO books for her to write last year, she thought "Sure- I can do that." What followed was a year of early mornings, a schedule that eliminated her social life AND a near meltdown when a draft got eaten by the cruel technology gods. Learn how Theresa calibrated her schedule to get all the work done on deadline and use her tips to get your writing done in a much less stressful manner.