I had a word come to me in a dream last night: VALOR. It was a big word against a backdrop of a castle. I wrote about it, will post tomorrow.

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Dearest Caroline, you helped me figure out how to rewrite my book and this past December, I finally finished my rewritten draft! Thank you!

Thank you!

Thank you!

I am grateful for your guidance!

Also, here in the Netherlands, fireworks have driven us crazy and our two kittens (their first New Year’s Eve!)… so there’s that.

Starting the new year with a storm and a headache but feeling positive I’ll get my book published “by hook or by crook” this year!

Wishing you all the best and peace to the world!

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I am SO THRILLED to hear this news, Audrey! Huge congratulations to you and all the hard work you’ve done.

Hoping your family — kittens included — have recovered from the fireworks today. 🥰

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Fireworks in Florida are de rigeur. It’s 11:15 PM on the last day of the year and they’ve been going off sporadically since around 8. All hell will break out between midnight and 1.

Currently I’m digesting the poetry of Wislawa Szymborska, View With A Grain of Sand.

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Here’s hoping you enjoyed the reading last night and that the fireworks madness was a bit gentler than usual.

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This article w as nourishing. Fireworks are not really a thing here in southern Ontario, Canada, but a few people have to toot their own horns, I suppose. I like to keep things quiet, so your book recommendations look inspiring. I am already reading Meditations for Mortals. I like the Amy MacKay (?) books as well. I am currently working on a paranormal romance so this kind of thing is right up my alley. Thank you for offering up Book Alchemy. I only joined a couple of months ago - November's daily nanowrimo bits were fabulous. - and I am loving your content. I wish you all the best in 2025. Here's to a productive, prosperous new year for all. I am also enjoying Beth Kempton's Winter Writing Sanctuary - it's calm and restorative for this time of year. And I think we could all use a bit of that. :)

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Thank you so much, Carolyn! Delighted to have you here. Beth is a dream — I love her calm presence around all things writing, too. I hope you’ve had a peaceful start to the year.

What’s the paranormal romance, Sounds fun ☺️

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