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My guest this week is Carl Richards, who is the author of the One Page Financial Plan: A simple way to be smart about your money, and the Behavior Gap: Simple ways to stop doing dumb things with money. He was also the creator of the Sketch Guy Column, which appeared weekly for a decade in the New York Times. Carl has many other qualifications, but I wanted to include him in this season of the SLP because of his incredible ability to distill concepts down about money, meaning, the ways we interact with money, the ways we support and nurture our creativity by viewing money as another resource, along with our time our effort, our energy — our life force, This conversation had many brain exploding, exciting moments. It was such a joy to speak with Carl, and I'm delighted to share this conversation with you. I think it will surprise you and I can't wait to hear what you think.
Carl’s philosophy when thinking about money and the rift that is currently causing so many problems
How profit equals permission and allows us to access the things we really care about
Time, money, energy and attention as the four uses of capital and how to employ them
Managing the tension of wanting to do something new but feeling too scared
Learning to be okay with failure and letting it teach you something
Being intentional with what you want your pinnacle of success or happiness to look like
Focusing on the pursuit of craft to find enduring happiness
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About Carl:
Carl Richards is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ and the director of investor education for the BAM ALLIANCE, a community of over 130 independent wealth management firms throughout the United States. He is the creator of the weekly Sketch Guy column in the The New York Times, and is a columnist for Morningstar Advisor. Carl has also been featured on Marketplace Money, The Leonard Lopate Show, Oprah.com and Forbes.com. In addition, Carl has become a frequent keynote speaker at financial planning conferences and visual learning events around the world.
Through his simple sketches, Carl makes complex financial concepts easy to understand. His sketches also serve as the foundation for his first book, The Behavior Gap: Simple Ways to Stop Doing Dumb Things with Money (Portfolio/Penguin). Carl’s art appeared in a solo show at the Kimball Art Center, in Park City, Utah. Other showings include The Parson’s Gallery in New York, The Shultz Museum, and an exhibit at the Mansion House in London. His commissioned work is on display in businesses and educational institutions across the country. He lives with his family in Park City, Utah.
Connect with Carl:
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