Mar 29Liked by Caroline Donahue

I love how much permission came up in this episode, and the many stereotype-breakers around creativity and money. I’ve been thinking more about what I want to do with my limited energy and time, especially given that a conventional 9-5 job doesn’t offer the same security it once did. I was intrigued by Bari Tessler’s work when I listened to your other pod episode a long time ago, and now it seems more relevant than ever.

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Energy and time is such an essential thing to take good care of. This theme will return in another episode and I‘m so excited for you to hear that one, too!

Bari is an excellent role model of shifting your work structure as your priorities shift in life. She has done this numerous times and it has always inspired me to watch.

9-5 certainly isn‘t the safety net it used to be, oof. May we all find the best fit we can to take good care of ourselves and our energy and create as much as we can with what we have at our disposal. 🩷

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